Progress House Association

The Reconnect Project

The Reconnect Project

There are many hardships that an individual may encounter while incarcerated , but one of the potential hidden strengths is the deep sense of community that is developed inside of prison walls. Over our years of service to this population, we have discovered that many find it difficult after re-entry to establish and maintain the same level of community support they found behind bars. Often this loss of community can lead to feelings of overwhelm, isolation and depression which can truly hinder an individual’s ability to successfully transition back into relationship with their families and community.

The Reconnect Project was created to help fill this gap.

The key to the success of this program is that it is led by individuals who have direct experience with the injustice system . Our program offers a weekly support group meeting open to anyone who has been formerly incarceration, one and one peer support, group mindfulness sessions, therapeutic services and family reconnection support.

For more information or to get involved, contact us: [email protected]

We can do more good when we do it together.


Your financial support helps create a safer, more hope-full community for everyone.


By sharing your time with our members, you inspire hope and create change.


We’re excited to partner with legislators and those serving Black and Brown communities.